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Love Lesson #13: Fairy Tales Do Come True

Love Lessons are true stories about real people who have changed their lives by deciding what they want and not settling for anything less. Would you like to believe that you too could create this miracle in your life? Most of these true stories will be available for your encouragement and inspiration in my soon-to-be-released book, Journey to Joy: True Stories of Hope and Inspiration.


Jacqui is a dynamo. Quicksilver fast in mind and energy. Warm and playful and energetic. She wasn’t always that way. For years she had multiple health problems and more doctors than Liz Taylor. Her life was abundantly blessed materially, but she began to realize that her illness was about what was missing in her life and she decided to save her own life. She made a decision to live, and she went about changing everything she needed to change to set herself free to create health and vitality in her body.

Jacqui’s daughters were now away at college and she began focusing all of her attention on what would make her happy She found herself an exciting and challenging hobby—photography. She was great at it, had a real eye for beauty, and she began playing at it more and more. One day she traveled to the city of Milwaukee to photograph the Circus Parade. Wow, what an experience! She fell in love with Milwaukee and she made a decision that she wanted her zip code to be 53202 and her area coded 414. That was it! Everything started to fall into play (place!) from there.

Life can be joyous, easy, and uncomplicated when you play at life.

Jacqui took another trip to Milwaukee and found a fabulous, fully furnished home for rent for the summer. She decided to take Milwaukee for a practice run for three months.

Her next step was to begin reading books and researching alternative ways to deal with her health challenges. She found some natural health practitioners who helped her return her body to vibrant and radiant good health. While at one of the doctor’s offices, she asked for advice on how to meet positive new people in this new town. She was given Sunni’s phone number.

That wasn’t all. Jacqui then filed for divorce, determined to release her marriage in a healthy and productive way for the good of all of them. She hire a great lawyer and a life-success coach to support her in keeping focused on what she wanted to create in her new life. She didn’t want to get sidetracked with the “poor me, look what I’m loosing and what he’s getting” game that so many people waste their energy on when they are going through a divorce. Her coach helped her to discover new and exciting things to do that attracted new friends and filled her life with people who weren’t reminding her of what she was losing.

At Sunni’s gatherings she met other people who were in transition and were doing it with joyous attitudes because they had decided what they wanted to create for themselves instead of looking backwards and wallowing in what they had lost. Jacqui had wanted to be around positive people like these folks and now she was! As simple as that, she now had a whole new group of friends to play and create with.

Jacqui knew she had to make some quantum leaps from her former life as a pampered princess to taking responsibility for creating what she wanted for her future. She hired a coach to support her in shedding her old patterns of being passive and expecting someone to take care of her, and moving into new ones of strength and conviction, in becoming a creator of her reality and not an observer of it.

Soon she also joined business organizations where she was surrounded by people who were dynamic, energetic, and doing something in the world. She was making a name for herself and she continued filling her life with lots of interesting people and things to do. And she became very clear about the kind of man she would be willing to date.

One day at a business meeting, Prince Charming sat down beside her. He asked her for a date. He had tickets to a Viennese Ball…would she go with him? Later, this man was notified that he had won a trip to Vienna. Her new prince invited her on a business trip to Disney World. He proposed to here there, at Cinderella’s Castle, with a gorgeous diamond. Their honeymoon was a three-week European Tour that started in Vienna.

Fast forward to today. What a life they are creating!!! Jacqui attracted the man who is equal to her energy and vibrancy and class. They are radiant together and always involved in whatever fun Milwaukee has to offer.

They continue to create romance and magic wherever they go—and they go often. On wonderful cruises and vacations to recharge their batteries. Jacqui and her prince each run very successful businesses and keep their lives in balance by scheduling plenty of time for romance and relaxation and play. How very healthy…and wonderful. A true love lesson.

Congratulations, Jacqui, on your courage to change. Your willingness to release everything in your life in order to grow, and your commitment to never settling for anything less than Prince Charming himself. You earned it and you certainly deserve it!!


The Love Lesson here is that Jacqui had to reclaim her love for herself in order to heal herself. She had to make her health the most important focus in her life because she felt like she was dying. When she really took a look at her situation with new eyes because of some books she was reading about self-healing, she realized the disabilities stemmed from not actualizing her abilities. She had an abundance of natural energy and talent but in her marriage and financial situation it was not necessary for her to work. The truth is that this kind of talent and energy needs to be actively involved in doing something in the world or it results in blocked energy, which leads to depression and even the creation of physical illness. Once Jacqui made up her mind to take charge in her life she was a ball of fire. She became such an inspiration and positive support to many people as she went through her transition. You just can’t help but love a person who is so determined to look at whatever she is facing in the most positive way and take necessary action. The action Jacqui took changed her from pampered princess to GODDESS.

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